
Amit Paper Consultants And Engineers, India has completed a paper project in Kenya

Amit Paper Consultants And Engineers based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India headed by Mr. Pandit Hareram, has completed one of their turnkey project with EAST AFRICAN PAPERS, KENYA few days ago. Trials started at 4.00 am and commercial production started from 6.00 am on the day.

Amit Paper Consultants And Engineers expressed “We are extremely grateful to the owners and management for having the confidence in amit paper to execute the project. special thanks to Mr Bhavnish, Mr Channa for giving Mr Hareram of Amit Papers the opportunity and thanks to Mr Prasad and Mr Rao for their support during Erection and trials.

There will be significant benefits to EAPL through increase in production, reduction in power cost and reduction in wastage”.

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