Special Feature

Boise Paper Partners with Reach Out and Read to Help Provide Books to Pediatric Care Providers

As part of its Paper with Purpose commitment to sustainability, Boise Paper supports the impactful work of Reach Out and Read, a national nonprofit dedicated to promoting early literacy and school readiness. Through its ongoing collaboration, Boise Paper is helping to ensure that books are placed directly into the hands of young children, particularly those in underserved communities, by equipping pediatric care providers with essential reading resources.

The Mission of Reach Out and Read

Reach Out and Read is more than just a book-giving program; it’s a comprehensive initiative designed to integrate early literacy into pediatric care. Founded on the belief that reading aloud to children from birth is one of the most powerful ways to shape their futures, Reach Out and Read partners with healthcare providers to make literacy a standard part of pediatric care across the United States.

The program operates by training doctors and nurses to advise parents about the importance of reading aloud and to provide age-appropriate books to children during well-child visits. Care providers also show parents how to hold books to best engage their children, explain how to interact with the text and images to help them follow along, and share advice for talking about stories with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Because families place trust in their healthcare providers, it’s more likely that parents will adopt reading as a regular practice in their homes.

Why Early Literacy Matters

The first few years of a child’s life are a critical period for development. Reading aloud together not only strengthens the bond between parent and child but also supports healthy brain growth. Children who are frequently read to demonstrate enhanced language and listening abilities, form deeper emotional connections with their loved ones, and often develop a lifelong passion for reading. However, not all children have access to books at home, and this lack of exposure can lead to developmental disparities that are difficult to overcome.

Boise Paper’s Role

Reach Out and Read is the only national pediatric literacy model endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, serving 4.4 million children and families across every state in the country. Through its ongoing support, Boise Paper continues to help expand Reach Out and Read’s reach and build a foundation for lifelong learning, one book at a time.

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